The Flight Instructor FI(A) Certificate

The holder of the UK Part-FCL FI(A) Flight Instructor Certificate has the ability to teach both the practical flight training and theoretical knowledge elements of  the Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) and Light Aeroplane Pilot’s Licence (LAPL) course to ab-initio students.

The FI(A) is the gateway qualification to earning money with a pilot’s licence, and is the the only qualification which allows a PPL with a Class 2 medical certification to be renumerated for flying duties. 

A pre-course assessment flight is required prior to being accepted on to this course.

The 125 hour ground school requirement includes 25 hours of teaching and learning theory, technical training and the preparation and delivery of both airborne and classroom-based lessons.

The 30 hour airborne training course is  based on the air exercises of the PPL syllabus and how to teach them effectively.

Upon completion of the course, an assessment of competence, including a flight test, will be conducted with a CAA examiner. 

Course Overview

  • Pre-requisites:

Candidates for the FIC course shall hold  at least a  PPL(A) and have completed a minimum of:

      • 10 hours of instrument flight instruction on single-engine piston (SEP) powered aeroplanes;
      • 20 hours of VFR cross-country flight on SEP aeroplanes;
      • 200 hours of flight time, 150 hours of which as Pilot in Command;
      • 30 hours on SEP aeroplanes of which at least 5 hours shall have been completed during the preceding 6 months;
      • A VFR cross-country flight as PIC, including a flight of at least 540 km (300 NM) with full stop landings at 2 different aerodromes.
  • Content:
    • Pre-entry flight test based on the SEP proficiency check
    • Flight training: Minimum 30 hours (excludes pre-entry test)
    • Ground school: Minimum 125 hours
    • Skills test
  • Fees:
    • Ground school payable in 3 advance instalments
    • All other training fees are pay-as-you-go, and as per our price list